who prepares property assessments?
Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) - an independent agency that manages the rules of property assessment in Saskatchewan and provides property assessment services to most Saskatchewan municipalities.
what is property assessment?
Property valuation is the process of determining a property's assessed value for property tax purposes as of a specific date. These assessments are used as a basis for the distribution of property taxes among property owners. Property assessment is not the same as property tax.
how are property values updated?
Property values are updated and adjusted in three different ways:
Regular Maintenance - The Administrator submits a list annually to SAMA with properties that have had changes and need to have their assessment updated
Revaluations - SAMA conducts revaluations on a four-year cycle updating assessments to reflect market changes. 2021 is a re-valuation year and will see property values updated to reflect a base date of January 1st, 2019
Re-Inspections - SAMA reviews the physical data of properties (inspects homes and looks at aerial photos for land changes). These do not occur often - the R.M. had one done in 1984 and another one recently in 2018
How do i find the assessment of my property?
Assessment notices are mailed annually around April of each year - normally only owners with properties that have changes will receive a notice but in a revaluation year every property owner will receive one as most property values will change
Assessment values of any properties can be found on SAMAView which provides public access to search, view and compare individual property assessments. Access is free of charge for personal and non-commercial users. Any person wanting to view property values and details can sign up for an account and search for any property that SAMA assesses. Click here to sign up.